Project Recharge at Mataura Valley Milk

Windsor Energy’s latest dairy client on their decarbonisation journey is Mataura Valley Milk (MVM) where we are excited to announce we are installing a new Electrode Boiler Plant. This boiler is sized to fulfill the entire site requirement of steam and will replace the existing coal fired boiler. This will make MVM the very first dairy site in NZ to be entirely electrified – and powered by renewable energy! The electrification project will reduce MVM’s carbon emissions by approximately 22,000 tCO2e p.a.

Project Recharge, with assistance from Aurecon, involves installing a 20MW High Pressure Electrode Boiler – another first in New Zealand – which will produce high pressure steam @38bar. With Windsor Energy’s long-term relationship with the client, and our rapidly growing knowledge and expertise in electrode boilers we are excited for the imminent success of this project, due to be commissioned in late 2023.

Windsor Energy Electrode Boiler Plant