Make your indoor air quality safe to breathe with one of our air purifier systems.
Sodeca Air Purifiers with HEPA filtration stages are designed to quickly and efficiently decrease the spread of infections in people at high risk, reducing contamination by airborne infections and viruses.
Designed to work as stand alone or ducted systems, the Sodeca air purification systems offer safe air when it really matters.
Air is passed through various stages of filtration culminating in HEPA filters, and for critical areas there are models with UVc germicidal chamber systems to kill harmful viruses and bacteria.
As concern about indoor air quality grows, UVc is increasingly being used to disrupt the transmission of pathogenic organisms such as mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB), influenza and mold viruses. This is done by applying UVc to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) and consequently, improve health, comfort, and productivity.
The International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) endorses that UVc disinfection technologies play an important role in the multiple processes used to reduce the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19, based on disinfection data and empirical evidence.
UVc is a well-known disinfectant for air, water and surfaces which can help reduce the risk of COVID-19 contagion when applied correctly.
All these models and many more are available through our Auckland office.
Please contact our Auckland office for further assistance for the products below >
Auckland :
+64 9 262 4474
Some of the air purifier modules available from Windsor: